The Boston Globe, 3.6.2011:
Great review of Reel Fest in the Boston Globe.
Featured photos: Rod Webber (left) Experimentally Ill group (right)
Time-Out Boston, 3.7.2011:
Nice write-up in Time Out Boston
Featured in photo: Joseph James Bellamy and Rod Webber
The Boston Globe, 5.28.2010:
Ty Burr (Head Film writer at The Boston Globe) raves about Reel Fest 2 and it's featured feature "Northern Comfort" starring Greta Gerwig (No Strings Attached, Arthur, Greenberg)
Featured in photo: Greta Gerwig
The Boston Globe, 5.28.2010:
Another plug for Reel Fest from the Boston Globe!! Thanks Guys!!!
Featured in photo: Rod Webber
Featured in photo: Rod Webber
May 26th 2010: A plug for Reel Fest from!!
The Weekly Dig, 5.28.2010:
Featured in photo: Rod Webber & Greta Gerwig Ty's Movie Picks, 5.28.2010:
Another brief mention for Reel Fest from Ty Burr in his movie blog. Thanks Ty!, 6.2.2010:
Okay-- Technically this isn't press for Reel Fest, but coming from the Boston Globe who are notoriously tough in their reviews, we can't help but point out that Northern Comfort (which was playing at Reel Fest tied The City of Your Final Destination as the highest rated film for the weekend, beating out ALL of the other films at the box-office that weekend.
The Boston Herald, 7.5.2009:
A nice write-up by Tenley Woodman of "A Man Among Giants" at Reel Fest 1.
Photo top left: Doug 'Tiny' Tunstall. Photo top right: Rod Webber
Bottom photo: Rod Webber, Matthew D. Ferrel, Doug 'Tiny' Tunstall, David T. Grophear
The Boston Globe, 7.12.2009:
Linda Matchan writes about Reel Fest 1 (Originally called "Reel Movement")
Featured in photo: Rod Webber
The Boston Globe, 7.9.2009:
Joel Brown reviews "A Man Among Giants" at Reel Fest 1. Thanks Joel!!
Featured in photo: Rod Webber & Doug 'Tiny' Tunstall
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